Project BEST - Building Everything Stronger Together

AdvocatingFor over 600 contractors and 6,000 building trades craftspeople. When a construction project happens, we want to help promote our buidling trades and contractors to the decision makers.

CreatingThe next generation of craftspeople through teaching them about the lifelong benefits that present themselves with joining a construction trade.

EducatingThe public on the importance of keeping construction local and the benefits of utilizing Union work. A skilled trained workforce, safety standards, regulatory compliance, and project consistentcy
The Project BEST Commitment
Building the Foundation for the Next GenerationProject BEST aims to promote and protect the construction industry here in the Upper Ohio Valley (Wheeling, WV/Steubenville, OH metro area). When a project is happening here in the local area, we strive to educate the decision makers on why our contractors are the best option, due to their committment to employing highly-trained and safety-concious Union craftspeople. |